Gabi’s 23rd Birthday
March 2017 | BlogGabi turned 23 on February 24, 2017. Her family went skydiving – which she loved – to honor and celebrate her life. This video captures the event and Gabi’s life spirit.
In Loving Memory of Gabrielle Esther Lewis – A Note to Family
December 2016 | BlogOn August 26, 2016, my youngest daughter, Gabrielle Esther Lewis, 22, died. As a family, we are in bits and pieces. Below is the eulogy that I read at her service. It doesn’t do her justice, but it was the best I could do.
MoreMy Story with Mount Washington
October 2016 | BlogWhen I was 25, on little more than a dare, I hiked up Mount Washington in New Hampshire. My hiking buddy, a college friend named Bill Green, and I were completely unprepared; we did this, mostly, as a lark. Naturally, we got separated, left the trail and had to both separately maneuver over the overhanging lip above the bowl. Somehow we both made it, summited, and lived to tell about it.